Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Skatepark #159 (#143) - Lynden (The Skate)

On Monday night we traveled, almost to the border, to Lynden, Washington. We went there to attend "The Skate" (http://skate.third-church.org/) at the Third Christian Reformed Church. Lynden does not have a skatepark and it looks like this church has stepped up to fill that void in a big way. They have sessions for the kids, weather permitting, on Mondays and Thursdays. During the fall and winter months they rent out space at the local fairgrounds and skate indoors on those days. Very nice. The skaters of Lynden and the surrounding area are lucky to have the T.C.R.C. there. The volunteers and the skaters were also really cool, supportive and polite. It was the total opposite of what we often encounter at public skateparks so my kids were really into the session. This is their 10th year doing this I believe so they have a great system going. The kids ripped it up and had a great time. Thank you to Randy, Ivan and Eric for volunteering and for making us feel so welcome. Also, thanks to Cynthia for helping me get all the info I needed to get us there. You are all great!

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