Friday, September 18, 2009

First Blog!

Welcome to the blog I started for my kids. I'm new to this stuff but I'm sure I'll get up to speed very soon. So I started this to keep everyone informed about our skatepark and climbing activities. Chase (12), started skateboarding when he was 6 and I would take him and his sister Sidney (10) to the local skatepark. He got very good, very fast so we just started spending all our time at skateparks. We were starting to go to different parks and I got the bright idea to start documenting every skatepark we went to by filming and photographing Chase. After a while, Sidney was getting bored of just watching and wanted to join in so I got her some rollerblades. She also got very good, very fast like her brother. After doing some research, I learned there were a ton of skateparks in Washington and then a light bulb went off. Let's go to every skatepark in Washington! The kids loved the idea and the Skatepark Tour was born! Almost 6 years later we are very close. We have documented being at 138 skateparks in Washington and 154 overall. We have about 20 left? It's hard to tell because there are always new parks opening or I'll hear through the grapevine about one in Timbuktu. Well, this is a good start. Our next post we'll cover the climbing part.

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